Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Each tree now has had at least 1 wheelbarrow of cow manure.

Orchard with the brown fences removed and all trees having received 1 barrow of manure
I finished putting manure on the trees it’s only taken eight weeks. It was hard work, just me a garden fork and a wheelbarrow. A couple of people did say they would help but because of weather and Christmas it just hasn’t been possible to organise people, tools etc.

But it’s done just in time for the snow, hopefully this week.  The reasons for me to use cow manure.
  •         Adding nutrients to the soil, instead of using chemical products. It’s also much cheaper.
  •          I can add it directly to the soil, unlike horse manure.
  •          The straw in the manure will also hold water and then release it back. Additional weight pushing the tree roots down.  (In case its very windy and preventing the wind blowing over the tree).
  •          The additional manure should keep the root ball warm. (Will this help - ?)

I have noted that some of the manure, which I originally put down, has been sucked into the ground already.
I have also removed, most of the brown fencing that was around many of the remaining trees. This was so I could get the manure into place and also to physically remove weeds, which had built up on the inside of the fencing.  I have noted as you may have from the pictures over the past couple of years that ladybirds love this fencing and its makes it much easier to find them. I hope that they will still around in good numbers around the orchard but we shall see. If I see reduced number I still have the fencing I will put it back in place.

I may build an insect hotel perhaps later in the year, but part of me only wants to attract insects that would be beneficial to the orchard. In reality all the insects would be good they would attract other insects and perhaps other mammals or even a couple of reptiles.

No chance of checking on the bee’s its way to cold.

I have learned loads about worm cast over the week. The stuff is great for the orchard or any garden. Its Organic, stuff and full of nutrients. I will create a blog entry on this topic soon.

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