Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Eve

On Christmas eve, I put the additional large rabbit guards, around the trees. I then checked all the trees. I'm glad I managed to get the leaf much around the trees a couple of days ago as the snow has been intense. The orchard had at least 2/4 inches of snow.

The bees are in the hive and I plan to give check the food stores as soon as it gets warmer.

This will probably be the last time I check on the trees this year. Lets hope next year will be better for us all. Happy new year one and all.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Week

Lots and lots of snow, the country is practically at a standstill. Not much happening at the orchard. I haven't been down in the past couple of days. In fact after putting the extra leaf mulch around the tree roots I haven't checked on then. I have got some additional extra large rabbit guards that need to be put round the trees, but that won't happen till this coming weekend, with a bit of luck.

With the ground so cold I am worried about rabbits ring barking some of the trees, but the new guards should be enough to keep them protected. I still have 5 trees only protected with basic guards, they are the biggest worry at present.

I have taken a number of pictures before the heavy snow, which show things like leaves covered in frost and tracks in light snow that I plan to upload soon. They are pretty.

Until a couple of days ago I could easily find lots of ladybirds still on trees. I hope that the parasites like aphids die out over the cold period and the useful insets like ladybirds manage to survive , we shall have to wait and see.

Over the past couple of weeks because of the heavy snow I have been unable to feed the bees. This is worrying. The bees should have enough food for a while, but without going through the hives, I can't really tell how they are doing. The hive in the garden has had some causualties a small number have died because of the cold. The other bees bring the bodies to the entrance and throw them out, I have also seen larvae, which I think is unusual, as I wouldn't expect larvae to be in the hive at this time of the year. It could be a clear up.

One of my neighbours has given me some home made cider which I plan on drinking a little closer to Christmas. I have also given a number of the neighbours a jar of honey, and also to those that have helped with the recent planting.

Preparing to enter 2011 lets all hope that its a good year. Merry Christmas and happy new year one and all.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The new trees have arrived and are in the ground.

Over the past couple of weeks we have had a severe cold snap. The orchard floor had been caked the snow and the ice. Because of this I hadn't been able to take delivery of the new trees. The suppliers weren't able to take the trees out of the ground and I couldn't have planted them. Even if I had tried the ground would have been very cold and the risk of damage to the roots would have been high.

Anyway last weekend the new trees arrived and we got them planted. We had ordered 27 new fruit trees and had a couple more that need planting. It took a couple of hours lots of hard work a couple large Pizza's, some soft drinks sweets and 4 and a half people that were knackered but the end of it. The following day I planted a couple more trees with the kids and my parents. Now the orchard looks proper. Row after row of trees, and the place is beautiful. The new ones are just sapling, but so were the others only 2 years ago, now they look great.
I must admit that on finishing the work and wondering around, the feeling I had and still get when considering what the orchard will be like in a couple of years is amazing. I will have over a hundred trees in the space of 3,3 acres. Not all of them are fruit trees but the majority are.

My imagination of what I and my friends, family will be able to do in the orchard run wild. Summer afternoons, having picnics, playing tig, and other games. Then all of us working together to collect the fruit, using it sharing it, perhaps selling or giving it away to friends, family, colleagues and those that want local fresh produce perhaps even a small amount of cider, we shall see.
The local wildlife will benefit, if the kids want to camp, out watch the stars no problem.

I plan to put some additional leave mulch down, this afternoon, I have already loaded the trooper with bags and bags of leaves. In truth I just want to get down and see the trees again