Monday, June 27, 2011

Beeston Nottingham

I recently visited Beeston in Nottingham, which was a hive of activity. I went to check out the bee keeper on Beeston High Road. Its a statue of a bee keeper and a traditional Skep hive.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hottest weekend of the year

The whole family came down to the orchard for a barbecue last weekend. It was great, I checked the trees removed the fencing around 30 or so trees and then weeded them. We had nettles, some creeping thistle and other weeds that were growing underneath the trees. They needed to be removed as they were taking nutrients from the trees and would have restricted growth. All the family helped out, and it's true many hands make light work. My brother and my dad also help cut the grass, around the trees. We now have nice paths going across the orchard and the whole place looks nice again.

We have left lots of different types of grasses, tall grasses shorter grasses and things like red and white clover various wild flower. These areas are now filled with living creatures like Crickets, butterflies, moths, bees etc. We still have lots of rabbits around and I can see that the buzzards have caught various small creatures.

Sunday was very hot but a fantastic day with the family.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Skep Making

I attended a Skep making class over the weekend, it was good. The chap showing us was a man called Martin Buckle you can find his website on

I have previously attended one of his lectures on wax modelling and making candles and even that was good; very enjoyable. Martin is very enthusiastic, and was a bee keeper and is still a honey judge, he also makes skeps and baskets. He was telling us how he was commissioned to make some baskets for a new Robin Hood movie, and he will be making skeps at the National Honey show this year.

He started us off and then we were of. After 6 hours I am halfway through making mine and will have to finish it over the coming weeks. It was painful on the hands, but nice and therapeutic work. I knew many of the others attending the class and so it was a nice relax atmosphere, people talking etc. Its been a couple of days and I had a look at the half finished Skep today it looks scruffy but its nice, can wait to finish it. I would describe the process but much of it is on Martin's website and its probably best done with videos, and by Martin. I did wonder where one could get suitable straw, and he suggested finding in a thatcher. Lots of different types of straw and cane can be used.

Down at the orchard the birds have munched many of the ripe cherries, some are half eaten and remind me a a Trappist monks. With a Bowl hair cut.

The plums are doing well I may have to thin them out so they don't damage the trees. The apples are growing and look nice. The bees have been very temperamental recently, I checked on them yesterday and got stung several times. They were not happy at all. As I normally don't wear gloves, it was painful, my hands are slightly swollen today. It could be because of the weather and also the foliage seems to be less abundant, brambles etc are in bloom but not much else in the countryside. Many of the farmers near me have planted wheat and rape seed. The rape seed is green and well no pollen/nectar from wheat. The bees at home are more friendly, lots of peoples have planted vegetables and flowers, they are doing better and in a couple of weeks the lime tress etc will be in full flow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Peaches Yes Peaches

A couple of years ago in 2009 my wife and I bought some peach and apricot trees. The Peach trees this year have flourished. I have a peaches growing and they look fabulous. They are doing well not sure what they will taste like but I am looking forward to picking them. I don't normally check the peach and apricot trees, but over the weekend my wife and I were checking the trees and vola. Peaches happily growing.

The rest of the trees are fine, I need to cut the grass again, its growing well. I still need to do lots of weeding; much of it will be done next week after work. I have been looking into getting cow manure, to put under the trees. Not sure how much it costs and in what quantities I will need it and transporting might also be a problem.

We picked some of the cherries and my parents tried them and they liked them. Many are still green and some now are a lovely bright red. Some of the varieties are doing really well like Morrello and Black Oliver some of the others are still growing and flourishing.

The bees are fine, I checked them and have seen either eggs and lava or lava that is visible. So things are looking good.

I have a skep making course this weekend. Will let you know how it goes.