Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The New trees are late

The new trees that had been ordered are not going to arrive on time.

I had planned on getting the additional trees planted this coming weekend. But unfortunately due to the severe weather in some parts of Britain in the past couple of weeks its not going to happen. The Nursery has not been able to take the trees out of the ground.
The trees should arrive on 4th December, with some luck. The later half of National Tree planting week.

I have various friends and family coming to help, and have had to let people know that this weekend's work is cancelled. Lets try next week. I hope everyone turns up.

I wanted to get everything done ASAP, so that all the trees are in the ground before the frosts take a grip or really bad weather hits Warwickshire.

My wife and I have already put markers in the ground so we know where the trees are going to be planted.

I have also seen on Google maps that when doing a street view you can see the trees. This is nice, and a little scary.

I have recently read Harmony A New Way of Looking at Our World by H.R.H. Prince of Wales, Tony Juniper, Ian Skelly. The book was great, I really enjoyed it, even orchards get a mention, as do bee's and so much more. Its almost a gateway to lots of ideas and thoughts. I plan to re-read it and make notes, on ideas and people that deserve more research.

After reading this book, I felt that Prince Charles is in a very fortunate position of being able to talk to some of the leading experts in various fields and bring ideas and thoughts together. He seems to have been at the forefront of many ideas, for the past 20 years, organic farming, traditional crafts, slow food etc. He in his position is able to meet and learn from experts that they are doing the real work discovering and protecting things, in a way that most people can't. He can then implement the suggestions and ideas.

I kind of long for that; access to those people, so that I to can learn what we should be doing and how things are progressing.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Replaced broken posts

Checked on the trees yesterday morning. It was a beautiful morning, bright, not that cold, quiet and the sun was pushing its rays and forcing them to refect the light on the tree leaves.

I have replaced a number of posts and checked on the trees. Some of the original posts have started to deteriorate but I have a number kept in storage. Just in case. I hope the trees will not need this level of protection for much longer.

I have seen a number of additional mole and worm mounds, this means that the land has had time to rest and is attracting the insects and animals that should be in an orchard. Its nice to see.

I have started to talk to people to help out with the next round of planting which will be on the 27th. I have a number of volunteers hopefully the weather will be nice, if its like its was on Sunday it would be perfect.

Today since I awoke it has been raining and it still raining.

I want to talk to my local Councillors to plan more trees in Birmingham, especially as they are planning on redeveloping the city centre. A small orchard, 20 trees or so that people can walk by, and and enjoy. But large glorious trees. Perhaps some other types of traditional trees, Oaks, chestnuts etc.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The pretty leaves are falling down

Its autumn the leaves are bright and colourful, I know its getting colder but its beautiful. The colours of the trees are varying, some of the trees have lost all the leaves but most still have leaves which are gold and yellows, some browns and the occasional red.

I have fed the bees and incurred a single sting.I noticed that one of the peach trees has had lots of digging around it. I have also seen lots of mole mounds. All seems well and very pretty.

As the photograph shows lots of ladybirds still around. I have noticed a number of the posts used around the trees are broken and need replacing.