Saturday, November 8, 2014

BBKA Module Three Exam

I took the module three exam today. I was prepared for the exam and I can remember 2 mistakes I made. One of the questions related to wax moths, I didn't explain myself as well as I should have. I should have said that the greater wax moth "Galleria Mellonella" is larger than the less wax moth "Achroia Grisella". I didn't mention the Latin names or the fact the the greater wax moth is larger that then the lesser, both these facts would have gained me some points.

Also I had a question on the the Honey bees Excretory organ I put rectum when I should have but the Malpigham tubules.

So i'm not sure how I have done in the exam. I am certain I got other parts correct. I waffled on the third section which was about American Foul Brood.

In section two one of my answers was on Chalkbrood "Ascosphaera Apis" not exactly sure that went to plan either. So I wait for the results which will be months away.

I look forward to the next round of study Module 6 with the study group.