Saturday, January 31, 2009

31st January Large Bird

Went as usual to check on the trees lots more trees with buds. The trees are fine. They seem happy. The ground was very wet, I don't remember it raining loads this week but we are due to have a very cold snap. The papers claim it my be the coldest for 13 years.

Once I had checked all the trees I sow a large bird which hovered above, over the land. It was large with white feathers underneath. It hovered around and looked like it was searching for food, or pray. It may even have been interested in a flock of small birds that were in the next field. The picture shown above maybe the same bird. However the picture was taken on the 7th February a week later. I was some distance away from the bird when I took the picture, it is very large.

I also checked a number of the stakes that have been put into the ground to mark where the next lot of trees are going to be planted. Many of the stakes have absorbed water from the ground, don't think that its a good thing.

What is happening to the roots of the trees we have planted then. They must also be absorbing lots of water. I hope that this means they will grow better stronger etc and it is not weakening the trees.

24th January Icy

Checked all the trees they are fine. The weather was very cold and where the water build up is happening the water had turned to to ice. Many of the trees have buds and seem to have established themselves.

I have takes some pictures of the ice and they look very nice, almost artistic. Worried a little bit about the icy conditions will it have a detrimental affect on the roots. Hoping it will be fine.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

17th Checked trees with Dad

Went to plant the last tree, that has been at at mums since we started the planting last year. I have planted, and checked the other trees. My dad came with me and he wondered around looking at the trees, he seems happy with the progress so far. The last tree we planted was a crab apple called Marcus K it is apparently the father of all apples.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

11th January Pruning Course in Stowe

I had to leave early to drive to Stowe. The course the was interesting, the first part was theory which was stuff I already knew and the later half was a practical. I really enjoyed the practical and I took on one tree and pruned it well. That is my own opinion and time will tell. The orchard at Stowe is very small. I also helped on a couple of large trees that the group assessed and did work on collectively. I would have preferred more time to do more practical work perhaps next time.

Lots of people attended and some had lots of knowledge and experience this included gardeners from Stowe a National Trust Garden and house. One of the attendees was about to try and save an old orchard. Good luck to him.

One woman was picking up tips and knowledge to take out to Africa "Mali" to be exact.

I will probably visit Stowe with Leena and the kids when we perhaps in the summer.

10th January Lots of small birds

Checked the trees today bright and early. I had to climb over the ramblers stiles as I still haven't got the new key. The dogs weren't out today. The trees are fine, no new damage although it has been a very cold week, lots of frost, and the ground is solid. I have noticed that the stakes have bird poo on them. It must be caused by small birds like robins etc.

I have also noticed a number of mole hills probrably 5-6 which is nice at the moment at it means that wildlife is being arracted to the site.

During the week I saw a owl on the large tree. which I must admit was nice to see. It was large and brown in colour, I would say at least a foot in height and just sitting their watching the world go by.

Monday, January 5, 2009

3rd January 2009 Frosty Morning

I got to the land literally at sunrise,8am. It was minus 1 and in rubber wellingtons that's cold. Have checked all the trees. Two of the trees had minor rabbit damage. I have removed two more branches.

I was very worried about the frost as the ground was frozen solid. It was very hard to walk upon when compared to normal weather conditions.

Some of the plum trees have had bird damage in that some of the smallest branches have been broken I am blaming the birds but can't think of what else could have done the damage. The trees would be a good place to rest, if you were a small bird.

I have also found where the rabbits are living I am planning on leaving some dead wood or perhaps even a wood palette perhaps that may interest them more than my trees, as they are really only looking for somewhere to gnaw their teeth.