Monday, October 3, 2011

Quiet weekend

This week I was dreading going to the Orchard. I went down and checked on the trees all are fine. I can't see any further damage. I then checked on the bees with a friend. The bees are also fine. I have seen much of the fondant that I put into the hive has been taken down and consumed. I have put guards on the hives put couldn't make the entrance smaller. The hive blocks I had taken down were a little large, but I have found the correct ones. That’s a job for Saturday next week.

I looked at the damaged from last week and well in truth I can only hope that in time the trees will grow true and strong. It would be nice to see the trunk repair itself, which is possible and it may make a great home of a small creature, probably an insect, but let’s wait and see.

The friends that came down have missed much of the fruit this year but I have given them a Jar of honey.

The colours of the trees are changing and I have put up a picture of a plum tree with beautiful red leaves, each day the leaves are getting brighter. I have also noted that rabbits have been very active over the past week digging holes. Perhaps its cause by the very strange weather we have been having over the past few days. I have seen more ladybirds around, as they seem to be bedding down for the winter.

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