Monday, October 10, 2011

Leaves are a falling

Autum is settling in things are beginning to calm down and its visible from the trees, things are moving slowly. Leaves from the trees are starting to change colour and the tree from last week which had bright red leaves has almost no leaves remaining. They seem to have blown away. The energy from the leaves is flowing back down into the ground.

I thought I may have to add more fondant to the bee hives but to my suprise no, they have enough food for probrably more than a week. I could have added the extra foundant on Saturday but with it in place it makes it difficult to check the bees and the brood pattern. Which I like to check, so I'll wait. The final Guards are up and the space for the bees to get into the hives is now very small.

It also seems that they bees are bringing in lots of yellow pollen  back into the hives. I am not sure for how much longer they will be bring in pollen, of course Ivy and some other late and wintering flowering flowers still produce pollen but usually not enough to sustain them over the winter.

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