Monday, September 26, 2011

Some damage to the Apple trees

I checked on the trees and found a couple damaged. I am always hurt when I see branches which are young and healthy which have been broken. This may have been accidental or malicious, I can't tell. I saw some horse manure on the floor but when I asked if any of the horses had managed to get in, the answer was no. In the past I have seen buzzards in the orchard and they normally sit on the larger trees or on tree stakes. The branches that were damaged were much lower than the ones that buzzards prefer. 

I know that the buzzards like the orchard as we have lots of rabbits, small birds and field mice around. I have often found the remains of birds or rodents that have been caught, usually a wing, or feather and occasionally the skull of a rodent. 

Two trees that were damaged had a single branch from each tree broken. The damaged branches were at least 2 years growth; perhaps I may have pruned them in time. The branches were from some of the apple trees that were planted 3 years ago and they are some of the largest trees that we have planted. It’s a shame and I hope the trees will recover.

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