I ordered the plastic mesh and the posts on Monday. They arrived yesterday and today I started to get each tree fenced off. It has been slightly easier than I expected. I did have help from my parents, my wife and daughter who have been doing various things around the orchard to assist.
I hurt my finger, its not that serious but it did hurt. I managed to hit it with a sledgehammer it bled, I wrapped it up and continued working. We continued to use the sledgehammer however we have a new tool, a post hammer, which does the job and is twice as heavy as a sledgehammer. Chris the chap who owns the stables has lent us the post hammer.
We started about midday and my parents and wife helped till about 3pm then they went off and I carried on till dusk. We have put up wooden structures around 30 trees and and we have managed to put the mesh around 21 of those. We start back in the morning, we are hoping to get the rest of the trees all protected by tea time tomorrow.
It was such a beautiful day; we had a picnic on the land and it was fantastic, enjoying a meal with family sitting on the floor on mats talking laughing and munching your way through what I can only describe as a feast.
I have had news from Defra's agencies this week; the RPA (Rural Payments Agency) wanted more information which I have provided and the second agency Natural England have sent me information on environmental stewardship.
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