Buzzard flying off |
More Brambles Cut down |
I have managed to get more brambles cut down but still have a good couple of days worth of work, ahead to cut down the rest and burn it down.
The pictures this week arn't great but I started work about 9am and had to finish at 11am. The shots were taken just as I was locking up for the morning.
Bovine manure |
I also fed the bees and all three hives in the orchard were doing well. I have topped up the food and all seems, healthy. Lots of bees, the weather is too cold to do a proper inspection. When I arrived it was frosty, silent and the sun was out, with a beautiful blue sky. A great day to be out in the countryside, or just out and about.
The farmer Mr Wilson has finally dropped off the manure which is great news. It does mean more work for me but great news all the same. The next couple of weekends will be spent shifting that around the orchard and getting it under the trees. I did go and see him, but he was busy on his farm and I didn't manage to track him down, will try again next week, I did promise his wife a jar of honey, which I will also deliver next weekend. Its strange but that couple of tons of bovine manure is so pleasing for me. Its nutrients for the trees, protection and it also encourages lots of insects. many of which will benefit me and the trees.
Over the past couple of years I have seen a family of Buzzards grow and visit the orchard and the surrounding areas. Normally as soon as I arrive they fly off and just as they were heading of I managed to get the picture. It was in the next field, but I was happy I managed to get the picture. Normally by the time I have got the camera out of the case they have flow away. Its just one, huge bird. with a wing span that could be a meter. It fast, massive and very elegant to my eyes.