Sunday, April 7, 2013

I have cleaned out dead bee's

I have cleaned out the bees from the hive which had been invaded by a mouse. I found loads of dead bees thousands of dead bees so many I can't be certain that the mice where the cause death. Some of the bees had started to decompose, and fungus as started growing on them.

It could have been so cold that in the ball of bees didn't venture up and eat the food contained within the hive. I also found a couple of frames of honey that still had not been eaten by the bees.

Its a shame, and it only encourages me to check on the bees more regularly, but its very difficulty when its very cold. If you enter the hive when its cold they are more likely to get chilled and as a result die.

Other possibilities include that they bees have a illness and were poorly. I had treated for varroa but it could have been other bee diseases. I over the next couple of weeks the plan is to replace the frames and foundation in all the hives.

I have also placed more manure under a couple of lines of trees within the orchard.

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