All snowed over |
Since September I have been studying to pass the module 1 exam of the Intermediate Theory Certificate in Beekeeping. The module and the certificate is set by the BBKA (British Bee Keeping Association). I took the exam last weekend on Saturday. The exam didn't seem to difficult, however looking back at the questions I have thought of better ways to answer the questions and bits that I could added. One of the questions was about a person setting up a hive in the back garden I should have said that they should join an Association, but forget. Probably lost a point for that. The rest seemed OK. The results are due in roughly a months time, so will update you when I know the results.
Apple Tree Bud Growing |
Its also been a very cold and snowy weekend. Normally by this time of the year the weather is warming up and the willow and crocusts are up and providing the bees with food. Its to cold to go into a hive and I'll have to wait for the weather to warm up before checking on the bees. I want to go in and check on them and have bought the additional icing sugar to sprinkle of the bees which will mean that they have to groom themselves and knock off any varroa mites. I have recipes for making sugar fondant and will make some over the next couple of days. Then place it in the hives asap. This should feed the bees but also give them an additional boost so that it encourages the bees to lay more eggs and help pollinate the fruit trees.
On my routine wonder around the orchard I didn't see a single animal track on the snow, but the snow is a couple of inches thick and am assuming that the small creatures are under the snow wondering around. In truth I didn't even see any rabbit tracks, which was surprising.
Qunice Buds opening up |
I did find a single ladybird which is always aplus. However the cold weather will kill of lots of the bugs that are both harmful and positive in orchard, creatures like bees, ladybirds and aphids.
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