I was at the orchard on Saturday and found a young girls dress which was strange, it was the sort of thing my daughter wears but I was sure it wasn't hers. I took a picture and thought nothing more about it.

That evening I was at my dad's for a barbeque which was great. Anyway I told my dad and wife about the dress and my mum, wife and sister got me to report it to the police.
I also emailed in the pictures in them and they arranged a meeting the following morning to collect the dress. They did tell me that no children had been reported missing etc. So no crisis. It sort of snowballed, from nothing to the police coming down.

So I met the local officer a nice chap called Mike down at the orchard at 10:30 the following morning and we had a chat. His family have a strawberry and soft fruit farm and he has many of the same problems as me. People coming down and picking fruit, and the occasional bit of vandalism. He was aware of the bee hive being kicked last week as I had reported it to the police and he had visited the orchard in the week to make sure things we ok. I now have his police mobile number and that may be useful in the future.
We have lots of plums and damsons now on the orchard, which are ready to eat and they are tasty too. I collected a large bag full on Sunday morning and yesterday my wife collected more, with the kids.
The grass has been cut and the hay bailed it looks nice large rolls of hay on the land. The Manure still has not been delivered. I will have to check on that.
I am planning to extract more honey this weekend, I may miss some of the bramble honey but I'm not to worried about that. The timing of the extracting comes at a busy time, we have a couple of kids birthday parties to attend etc. Anyhow's I have arranged to borrow an extractor from Ming de Nasty. A fellow bee keeper.
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