Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Tree damage

I was at the orchard on Saturday and was gutted to discover someone had damaged a couple of the trees one of the new cherry trees is practically dead, they broke the trunk in half. The b*****ds. I know its only 8 months growth at the orchard, but its 1 years worth of planning, and all the effort of planting protecting and nurturing, that is wasted.

They had also damaged a couple of other trees including breaking branches from one of the apple trees. This wasn't as serious and with time the trees should recover. The vandals have also taken some fruit, mainly apples and plums. However the most infuriating thing is that they kicked one of the bee hives. It disturbed the bees and they had left the hive partially open to attack from other insects animals birds and other pests. They must have been discovered by the guard dogs and look like they hid in some of the talk grass before clearing off.

I have reported it to the police and I can only presume it was kids, as they have only taken fruit that was on some of the lower branches. The fruit that was on the higher branches is still fine, but as the trees are aren't huge it doesn't leave much.

I did more weeding and maybe getting the hay gathered for the farmer next to me. I am also expecting my first amount of manure.

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