Beautiful Butterfly |
The orchard is doing well. I cut down 80% of the grass, its still long more than a couple of inches. But most of the grass seed is now on the floor. Its funny, the grass hasn't been that short since the start of the year. Some of the in local animals were clearly surprised, I saw a rabbit dash in front of me and surprised by the lack of cover shot of and disappear into the under growth. Also I have found lots of new rabbit holes in the long grass.
Grass cutting going well |
Still loads of cherries in some of the trees mainly on the morrello cherry trees. Lots of apples and plums. This is going to be the best year for fruit so far.
We saw lots of butterfly's and in the areas where we have seen lots of them or areas they had congregate we have left the ground untouched.
Lots of grass hoppers around, and catching them seemed easier that it did when I was a child. The kids loved listening out and trying to spot them. My son was keen on holding them not so for my daughter.
We had a couple of heavy showers and I managed to get the grass cut. My pedometer on my phone said I walked 25 Km's.
I attempted to a perform a bailey comb change on the hives, it didn't go well. I got stung
Lots of butterflies gathered together in the orchard |
a couple of times and didn't find the queen. I got stings in the fore head in the arm and shoulders and even on my legs. When I get stung like that I do wonder if its worth keeping bees. I will attempt the bailey comb change again later in the week.I need to spend more time in the orchard, I seem to find it hard to get things done. I am still studying for the next module for the next bee keeping exam. The warm nights are also making it difficult to sleep. Over the past couple of weeks I haven't kept up to date with the blog but I put that right I have taken more pics etc.
I just haven't had time to update the blog. The grass was very long and I can see that much of the local wildlife has benefited from it.
Before the Grass was cut |
From the picture you can see roughly how long the grass was. The paths that I had cut are a lovely green, however the grass has matured and seeded and was ready for a trim. We still have lots of weeds and varying plants in the undergrowth.
Over the next couple of weeks I have will be getting the ground ready to plant several lines of Borage, it will be beneficial for the bees and its an edible plant that we can use also use in salads etc. The idea is to I have started a smaller compost heap in which I will be able to rot down some materials to use as a mulch or layer the lines I intend to plant. I hope to plant a couple of lines of perennial crops over the next couple of years this will add both biodiversity to the orchard and make it more productive. I kind off want a patchwork of crops and colors that everyone can enjoy.