Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sutton Honey Show

Some of the Exhibits at the Sutton Coldfield Honey show

 I had never entered a honey show however all that changed this week. I went and deposited at first two jars of granulated honey. I then realised that I could enter a couple more categories so I rushed home and grabbed another jar and entered another category. I have entered the novice class  and the granulated honey categories. The honey show was held at the Belfry golf course a very nice location for the show. Not sure how many members of the public attended, but it wasn't that published from what I saw.

Next year I may enter a picture for the best photo entry and perhaps a couple of candles for a candle class and hopefully a couple of jars of honey depending on the harvest next year. The pictures show my honey with those that they are completing with.

I also applied the next dose of varroa treatment at the hives in the orchard. This means that all the hives at the orchard have been treated for varroa this year. From later this week I will start feeding the bees to get them though the winter even though they are still bringing in nectar and pollen. The plan is to put the mouse guards in place in a couple of weeks. I have seen lots of capped brood in the hive but no eggs.

Bees clearing the wax of honey
I took some of the excess honey comb out of the hive this week and as you can see from the pictures a couple of bees followed me or perhaps they followed the scent of the wax and the honey and then cleaned out some of the comb. This weekend the weather was lovely, it was hot and it felt as if it were the middle of summer not the start of autumn. The bees were lovely to handle not a single sting and when I was taking the picture I had removed my gloves and face mask. The bees were very friendly to handle, and a pleasure. This year what with the bad weather, and poor conditions they have been a lot grumpier.

I have a cherry tree that was damaged earlier in the season so I trimmed it back and I can see new growth on the tree. Which I am very pleased with, at least I have not lost the tree, I may have lost a couple of years of growth but not the tree.
New Growth on a damaged cherry tree
The grass is yet to be cut and I can see other farmers still bailing straw etc, So I am hoping that mine will be done soon. I also found horse manure in the orchard, looks like one or more of the horses from next doors stables has managed to get in and have a wonder. I didn't see any damage to the trees though. Also some of the cherry trees leaves have started  to loosen and the leaves will probably fall off in a couple of weeks, and the leaves are beginning to change colour so autumn is fast approaching.

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