Monday, July 23, 2012

Drying Out

I have missed more than a couple of weeks of updates to the diary.

Those entries would have contained entries all about the continued bad weather and snails and slugs in the orchard. However I have seen a number of articles in the papers and on the television that contain this information and well in truth its depressing. The water has left the ground very wet and muddy, I have been down but only to check on the bees and wonder around and just check things generally. We had a crop of cherries and took some away. The majority were taken by birds. The ones I did get to eat were nice, very refreshing and tasty.

Now that the weather has improved its nicer to be outside again. I still have lots slugs around, and won't be putting any chemical deterrence. In the garden in the past I have used filtered coffee granules. Which I can get for free from the staff canteen, but I have seen starbucks giving it away for free also.

The ground at the orchard  is still water logged and the ground feels boggy in some places. This is mainly around the willow trees and the willow is prospering. I do still have other areas where the ground is still wet but most of it is drying up. I am personally hoping for some nice warm weather to dry up the soil all over. I have noted that one apple tree has been badly effected and seems waterlogged, but we shall see in a couple of days. If it does die I may replace it with something else later in the year that likes more of a wet soil.

The grass all round the orchard is now at least a meter in height and seems to be growing very fast. Some of the grass has fallen over and is lying on the ground and in some places where its water logged its fallen down and lying in water lets hope it rots down and decomposes. This is fine with me. Most of the grass has seeded and ready to go back into the soil.

I have seen loads of butterfly's all around the orchard, they do make a pretty sight, and I can hear grasshoppers, something I used to hear in the garden regularly. I don't see or hear any in the garden these days. The picture shows a butterfly, its not a great picture but trust me it is a butterfly.

The bees have been busy and all the hives have produced honey, most of which is ready to extract. I have ordered and received the replacement sugar fondant. I have yet to order the varroa treatment which I will order soon. I will be extracting in a couple of weeks.

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