Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Peaches Yes Peaches

A couple of years ago in 2009 my wife and I bought some peach and apricot trees. The Peach trees this year have flourished. I have a peaches growing and they look fabulous. They are doing well not sure what they will taste like but I am looking forward to picking them. I don't normally check the peach and apricot trees, but over the weekend my wife and I were checking the trees and vola. Peaches happily growing.

The rest of the trees are fine, I need to cut the grass again, its growing well. I still need to do lots of weeding; much of it will be done next week after work. I have been looking into getting cow manure, to put under the trees. Not sure how much it costs and in what quantities I will need it and transporting might also be a problem.

We picked some of the cherries and my parents tried them and they liked them. Many are still green and some now are a lovely bright red. Some of the varieties are doing really well like Morrello and Black Oliver some of the others are still growing and flourishing.

The bees are fine, I checked them and have seen either eggs and lava or lava that is visible. So things are looking good.

I have a skep making course this weekend. Will let you know how it goes.

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