Sunday, June 26, 2011

Hottest weekend of the year

The whole family came down to the orchard for a barbecue last weekend. It was great, I checked the trees removed the fencing around 30 or so trees and then weeded them. We had nettles, some creeping thistle and other weeds that were growing underneath the trees. They needed to be removed as they were taking nutrients from the trees and would have restricted growth. All the family helped out, and it's true many hands make light work. My brother and my dad also help cut the grass, around the trees. We now have nice paths going across the orchard and the whole place looks nice again.

We have left lots of different types of grasses, tall grasses shorter grasses and things like red and white clover various wild flower. These areas are now filled with living creatures like Crickets, butterflies, moths, bees etc. We still have lots of rabbits around and I can see that the buzzards have caught various small creatures.

Sunday was very hot but a fantastic day with the family.

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