Over the weekend I checked the trees. I have removed more stakes. All seems fines. However I still have not started the pruning.
I have to also start removing some of the additional protection that we have given to the trees. The brown fencing that acts as a micro climate and provides some protection from from rabbits has also started to rub against some of the branches. This is not necessary on all the trees just some that have grown quickly. I think the pears and cherry's aren't going to need to be done just yet.
The reason for the delay in pruning is time. The family doesn't always want to spend a whole day in the cold and I will need at least a whole day to get the work done, so the plan if for me do start on this Sunday.
The kids have been helping me, Hemish just wants to hang out with the horses and Maya is willing to help with somethings as long as she is praised and rewarded in some manor "sweets", and also long as its not to cold.

However I love it when the whole family is with me. I want them to enjoy and know that the effects they make are all for a positive, to our own food security and for the environment and for their own health. Lots of animals, birds and insects will benefit from the work we are doing, and they are also learning in some cases new skills.