Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Support for some of the trees.

Some of the larger trees the ones that are over 10 feet tall most of which are plum trees were beginning to droop, partially because of the weight of the fruit. I may have a good harvest of plums and apples depends on the birds etc, the pears were poor this year and I reckon the cherries will be eaten by the birds. Oh well

We have added additional support stakes, these support stakes are made of eucalyptus branches from a tree I trimmed in the garden a couple of weeks ago. Lets see how well they do. I have also adjust the tree ties on all of the trees that needed it.

Turned the compost heap, and reckon next weekend I will have to cut the grass again.

No pictures this week, I didn't take the camera, however the orchard as a whole is looking good.

1 comment:

Casper Farrell said...

Hey Jitesh,

Good idea to support the branches, we didn't last year and lost 3 trees!

You could always prune them back a bit, take off the smaller fruit.

All the best!
