Tuesday, June 15, 2010

4 stings in seconds

On Friday I wanted to check the bees at the bottom of my garden, I really only wanted to see how much of the sugar syrup that had consumed, and see if they needed any more. So I went down, with my suit on but no smoke. Big mistake. I opened the hive and looked at the feeder and bang 4 stings within 2/3 seconds.

Thankfully only one left any poison in the system and even that's fine now.

Didn't do much work on the orchard this week, but did go looking for pests, they were reduced in number, the natural predators are doing well. The trees are fine and plum trees are looking heavy, I am going to add additional support of over the comming weekend with help from my brother.

The trees are all growing and some have increased in size by more that a couple of inches in the past week.

The weather has been awfully and have not been able to check on the bees either at the orchard or at my parents, will do so over the course of the week.

1 comment:

Casper Farrell said...

Shame about the stings Jitesh!

My Dad was checking our boxes the other evening and they certainly were not in the mood to be disturbed. I was about 20 metres away mowing the lawn and they chased me around the orchard!

Hope all is well with your trees....How did your graft come on?