Went as usual to check on the trees lots more trees with buds. The trees are fine. They seem happy. The ground was very wet, I don't remember it raining loads this week but we are due to have a very cold snap. The papers claim it my be the coldest for 13 years.
Once I had checked all the trees I sow a large bird which hovered above, over the land. It was large with white feathers underneath. It hovered around and looked like it was searching for food, or pray. It may even have been interested in a flock of small birds that were in the next field. The picture shown above maybe the same bird. However the picture was taken on the 7th February a week later. I was some distance away from the bird when I took the picture, it is very large.
I also checked a number of the stakes that have been put into the ground to mark where the next lot of trees are going to be planted. Many of the stakes have absorbed water from the ground, don't think that its a good thing.
What is happening to the roots of the trees we have planted then. They must also be absorbing lots of water. I hope that this means they will grow better stronger etc and it is not weakening the trees.