Monday, December 1, 2008

29th November Start Planting

Up early I couldn't sleep. Its excitement, worry and adrenaline the want to get the work done and get the trees planted. I meet my brother at Homebase (New Oscott) to picked-up some additional compost. We have purchased Miracle glow organic compost.

We arrived at the Orchard with my brother early. We started digging relativity small holes. When the trees finally arrived we realised that we were going to have to dig much larger holes.

We had help from Mum and Dad and Lynda a colleague from work.

The rottweilers were out and about they are scary. I am hoping that they will get use to us working on the land. Meet lots of people today including Leisha who I bought the land from.

We were still planting as it got dark. We haven't plant half the trees yet. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. My brother and I plan to get to the orchard early, first light, to start planting.

We took the trees we hadn't planted back to my parents to ensure that the roots were not affected by the frost.

When I got home that night I needed a hot bath, with aromatic oils and dettol.

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