Saturday, October 25, 2014

Bulbs planted in the orchard

Bees stilling producing wax and honey in one of the hives
I have managed to plant 35 kilos of Daffodils, they are just for fun, and will give the orchard a spot of colour in the spring.

All the hives are doing well lots of bees and when its warm the bees are out and about. In fact in one of them the bees were still building wax and making and capping honey last week.

Beetle found while planting daffodils

Whilst planting the daffodils I saw loads of insects, and small mammals. All good for the environment and for the bio-diversity of the orchard.

Also the planting of the bulbs gave me a real chance to get a  real feel of the soil and I have to admit it has improved over the last couple of years.

I also visited Tatton Gardens and saw where they store the apples that they have picked over the past few months, it wasn't that impressive but interesting. At present I don't really store my fruit for long but will have to in the future.

I'll be sitting the next module exam for the BBKA soon and been having to grips with the study.

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