Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Week

Lots and lots of snow, the country is practically at a standstill. Not much happening at the orchard. I haven't been down in the past couple of days. In fact after putting the extra leaf mulch around the tree roots I haven't checked on then. I have got some additional extra large rabbit guards that need to be put round the trees, but that won't happen till this coming weekend, with a bit of luck.

With the ground so cold I am worried about rabbits ring barking some of the trees, but the new guards should be enough to keep them protected. I still have 5 trees only protected with basic guards, they are the biggest worry at present.

I have taken a number of pictures before the heavy snow, which show things like leaves covered in frost and tracks in light snow that I plan to upload soon. They are pretty.

Until a couple of days ago I could easily find lots of ladybirds still on trees. I hope that the parasites like aphids die out over the cold period and the useful insets like ladybirds manage to survive , we shall have to wait and see.

Over the past couple of weeks because of the heavy snow I have been unable to feed the bees. This is worrying. The bees should have enough food for a while, but without going through the hives, I can't really tell how they are doing. The hive in the garden has had some causualties a small number have died because of the cold. The other bees bring the bodies to the entrance and throw them out, I have also seen larvae, which I think is unusual, as I wouldn't expect larvae to be in the hive at this time of the year. It could be a clear up.

One of my neighbours has given me some home made cider which I plan on drinking a little closer to Christmas. I have also given a number of the neighbours a jar of honey, and also to those that have helped with the recent planting.

Preparing to enter 2011 lets all hope that its a good year. Merry Christmas and happy new year one and all.

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