Its been a busy day today, however the past couple of weeks have been slow. The bees are taking down the sugar syrup and they have now consumed over 45 kg's of sugar.
I have been doing lots of weeding, today and getting ready to put the trees to sleep for the winter. Clearing out the area around the trees; clearing them of weeds etc, as the pictures show.

Next week I will put wood shaving and straw around the trees to absorb water and rot down and become compost. I have done three, rows of clearing and will finish the process hopefully next weekend.
I listened to the food program on Radio 4 which was on Northern Orchards. Very interesting. Julian Templeton was mentioned, Julian is an orchard owner and cider maker that I met last year at his orchard in Dorset. He is a bit of a legend in the orchard/cider world. He s famous for supplying cider to Glastonbury, war with the tax man and so much more.
Also at the orchard I have seen loads of ladybirds, snails, spiders etc. The weather was beautiful blue sky's, green grass and just me and the trees. Listening to music and enjoying the day, and the trees.
I noticed a couple of things, I have seen some blossom on a couple of apple trees, and it smells beautiful. Some dandelions and daisy's still in flower. This is strange but in general the trees are starting to lose leaves etc. While watching the bees I noticed them still bringing in pollen. not bad for the time of year.