A lot has happen over the past 2 weeks. Its been very cold some nights its been down to -8. We have also had lots and lots of rain.
I had my picture taken for an art project to do with bees. Its going to be on display at the British Bee Keepers Association spring convention in Stoneleigh and then around the country. The artist is a chap call Ed Swinden who's grandfather had an orchard and who's friend keeps bee's, he seemed nice and younger than I expected as his pictures seem the work of someone more mature in age. But I'm no art critic. The exhibition goes on display 16th April. www.beekeeperportraits.com.
I have cut the grass finally. The new mower is in use and its a good purchase. I have a mulching deck that spans 48 inches and a 17 horse power engine. Its hard work and for a couple of weeks I am going to cut the grass down to a low level then let it grow and have various paths etc around the trees. I will let the grass grow long around the field so as to attract animals and insects and to encourage flowers.
The bees are fine, though I haven't been inside the brood box. I still have a problem with mice, but they haven't managed to get into the hive. I will keep the mouse guard on for a while.
I have seen a buzzard on the land which was nice, it was huge, and beautiful and looked very powerful.
The willow ring has been attacked by rabbits I may be to get more willow and protect them with rabbit guards. Looks like I haven't learned a lesson. But it hasn't cost me dearly.
I have organised the spreading of mushroom compost. Its coming from Packington which is about 12 miles away. The plan is to collect the compost regularly and spread it around the trees. This starts this coming weekend. www.themushroombasket.com
The whole Orchard looks nice. I have been reading The Apple Grower by Michael Philips which is very good, lots of ideas and facts. It does seem that the more I learn the less I know and the more I have to deal with. It has raised lots of questions in my head, like have I chosen the right location, the right trees. Could I have done more prep before planting, would I have planted the same way if I had know what I know now. Part of me thinks I have started it and want to see it through, lets just put the work in. I can tackle any problems as they come.
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