Monday, December 14, 2009

Its been a productive week

I haven't spent much time at the orchard recently however I have made up for it this week. I have actually checked on the bees I went into the hive. I didn't check the frames but checked that the bees were active. They were I gave them some additional food and they seem fine. I will make up some fondant in a couple of days and drop that off. I did it on Friday at 12:30 trying to get the warmest part of the day.

I also checked each tree and its guards, some needed new stakes and if any work was needed then it was carried out. All the trees are fine and I can see lots of lady birds etc, hiding around the branches and the guards some in nooks and crevasse . Many have gathered in small groups I guess to keep heat, and have company through the winter months.

Much of the tall grass has fallen and most if it is brown and dying. Which is good, when the mower arrives It will have to cut through it, and the first cut is going to take a while.

We have had lots of rain recently and that and the grass means that the ground is constantly wet, and I am guessing but I think it will help to decompose the grass. The grass that has been cut when we were testing the Hustler, is still lying on the ground and has not decomposed.

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