Monday, July 13, 2009

A disappointing week

In truth its been a disappointing week I left the bees alone all week then on Sunday I checked to see if the queen has started to lay eggs. No sign of eggs or lavea which is disappointing. I then call Bernard the Apiary Manager at Sutton Park. He advised me to wait another week. So I shall wait another week. I have added more sugar syrup they don't seem to be taking much but the frames are becoming fuller and the brood is still expanding and filling frames.
I have checked the trees, and have seen signs of aphids, I have see lots of lady birds about so I will leave them for a couple of days and will see if the situation improves. I don't want to spray anything even if its organic.
The horses have eaten a significant portion of the grass however some of them have been sold by the farmer and the show jumpers are at a show. So on Sunday not a single horse was left on the land. The horses have left some weeds which have grown considerably, so on Sunday I took the petrol strimmer and started to cut them down. I did a good portion then after adding 2 stroke oil and petrol the machine didn't start. I wasted much of the afternoon on this. I will try and start it again this evening and finish the job
Not exactly sure what's wrong. So it has been a disappointing week, in some aspects.

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