Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Busy Busy Bees and Horses

It been a busy couple of weeks. We have split the orchard into two, as the grass has gotten very long. The side with no trees has been turned into grazing land for a couple of horses that we have managed to loan. They are eating through the grass and are happy chasing and rolling around.

The owner of the horses is on site daily and they have plenty of water etc. They are show jumping horses and have won various awards for the owners and the riders.

The orchard itself is doing well, I have removed all the fruit, a small quantity of apples some plums and cherries and even some apricots.

This year we only want growth.

I have today managed to get the Bees and the hive set up and placed on the land. With help from Bernard Diaper and the Sutton Coldfield Bee Keepers. I still attend the classes and continue to learn and pick-up skills but from now on I can practise on my own hive.

The hive is in place on the land and surrounded by lots of new trees and small bushes. Some may take upto 40 years to start producing seeds. Most of the bushes and trees are bee friendly or produce fruit / nuts. The hive area is nice a large circle which could easily house upto five hives. I hope to have perhaps 3 in years to come. I had lots of help with this from my family. Selecting the plants, getting the land ready the digging planting and even the watering.

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