This weekend I was planning on doing more pruning but with the winds blowing so strongly, it was difficult instead, it was a couple of hours of clearing up and fixing things.
The wind was so bad it had blown over some of the climate and rabbit protection that surround many of the trees. The plan is to remove more of them over time, but that plan had to be brought forward slightly for a couple of trees.
I also checked on the bees, "somewhat", in the sense I examine the entrance of the hive and a number of bees popped out to see whats going on. They seemed happy enough. I hadn't bought any bee protective clothing so didn't want to go into the hive itself.

Some of the large branches that have been left lying around to attract beetles and other insects, were examined, and its working, lots of beetles and they seem happy making homes and helping the decomposing of these large branches. The picture shows a close up of one of these logs with lots of holes and decomposing wood, all help in making the ground better quality and show that the bugs are happy.
In the end I have had to postpone a couple of things, and over the week and next I may have to fix/replace a number of wooden supports as well has finish pruning the trees.