Monday, June 29, 2009

A quiet week

Its has been a quiet week especially with the heat and the huge showers. I checked on the bees on Friday and after I checked the frames and sow everything was fine I got cocky and removed my veil and sat very close to the hive entrance when a bee came and was buzzing next to my right ear. I made some fast jerky moves and guess what it stung me, and it hurt and bled.

The problem with getting stung on the ear is that you can't remove the sting, you have to find someone to help. It took roughly 30 seconds to get to my wife who removed the sting and smoked my ear.

My ear swelled up and I look like I have a cauliflower ear. Its been 3 days and it is still swollen.

The bees seem happy but I still have not seen any eggs or lave I will be taking a magnifying glass next time. I hope that they do not swarm.

I haven't checked the trees properly, I'm afraid time has not been on my side. I hope to tomorrow on on Wednesday.

The horses have been moved further up the field and have eaten a great portion of the tall grasses. It is really good, I have also got a couple of horses in other parts of the orchard eating the grass. This may be something I should do on a regular basis.

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