Sunday, October 6, 2013

Picking Damsons Apples and giving the bees suguar fondant

Kids and me picking and eating fruit from the orchard
Me having just put in 12.5 Kgs of sugar fondant into the hive
This week I was down at the orchard and gave each of the hives a 12.5Kg block of sugar fondant they have lots of food but as they go into winter I want to be sure that they have enough to get them through the cold months and into the spring.

I will monitor the blocks and if they beginning to disappear I shall ensure that they have more fondant or a sugar syrup solution.

my son riding an imaginary horse through the orchard
We are still picking apples and they are good. On Monday we had a apple and black current crumble with custard, which contained honey. The Apples, Blackcurrants and Honey used to make the crumble are all  from the orchard, it was lovely, although I think I when a little over board with the honey and custard.

We have started to pick the Damsons and will be looking for a recipe to make a jam or chutney for the end of the week.

I went to the local dairy farm as I was expecting the bovine manure which hadn't arrived, the farmer was a little worried about this tractor hitting some of the hawthorn trees and I have agreed to cut them back so that his tractor can get through. That will have to be done next weekend. It looks like I will have a couple of busy weekends then.

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