Bumble Bee coming out of the bird box |
A friend called me and told me that he had bees in the garden, they were nesting in a bird box close to the back door of his house and he was worried for his children. So I went round and had a look. I found it was bumble bees. I told him that in a couple of months they would disappear and each of the bees would go and find a home of their own. He wasn't too please with my answer as he and his family would not be able to enjoy the garden for a couple of months. He asked if they could be re housed, and I told him that I had never dealt with bumble bees before. Bumble bees can make a home underground in small crevasses in wood, rock anywhere they find where they feel safe and can raise a family. They are a solitary bees.
As a child I remember seeing bumble bees regularly setting up home under the garden shed, they never stung us and we never bothered them and in return they never bothered us.
Bird box in the tree |
I checked with some other bee keepers and it was felt that I could move the whole of the bird box and relocate the bees to another location. It would have to be a number of miles away otherwise they would just return to the original location. Anyway last Thursday I tried to move the bird box about 9pm it was no good some bees were stilling trying to get in and I wanted to ensure that I had collect the entire colony. So I return on the Friday night after 10pm and it was raining so I guessed that all the bees would be inside, bees don't like the rain. They hate thunder. I then blocked the entrance and moved the bird box to my back garden and then at 5am the following morning I moved it once again to the orchard. Where I removed the blockage from the entrance and set them free, or released them. Some about 20 came out straight away had a look around and then they returned back into the bird box. I check on them again on Sunday and they were doing fine, I don't actually open the bird box instead just watch the entrance.
single nettle in flower |
I was hoping to cut the grass over the previous weekend however it rained on Friday and on Saturday so didn't manage it, perhaps next weekend. The grass is growing longer and lots of flowers around. I will probably just cut out paths.
Next weeks apple blossom and possibly the last of the year |
The apples trees are have or are in blossom and the smell is great. I reckon we may have a week or two left and then the blossom will be gone for another year.
Blossom open and smells great |
Last weekend I moved more bovine manure under 9 trees check on the bees and then went home. I had help my daughter and my son, it took a couple of hours longer than normal. My son left early with my wife, my daughter stayed and helped.The stinging nettles are flowering and is providing some of the bees food.
Stinging Nettles in flower |
I need to adjust the floor on one of the bee hives. It looks like something has tried to get in from behind now bees can be seen coming in and out on both sides of the hive. This will be fixed this coming weekend. A pair of pliers should do it.
Entrance to the orchard in flower |
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