Monday, February 14, 2011

Wet dark cold and budding

Went to check on the trees today, it was cold, dark, cloudy and pretty gloomy, the kids didn't want to come. I checked the trees all is well, I still have to do more pruning, everytime I come without my pruning tools, I can see branches or twigs that need pruning. I can see loads that need pruning, when I have the tools, with me its much harder find.

The recent strong winds have had an effect. Not a significant effect on the trees themselves, more on the guards and the protection they are taking a hammering. I have put some new stakes around some of the protection. The trees are pretty resilient as once the trees have been pushed and blown about they tend to bounce back to the original position. The protection acts as a wind barrier and as such when it gets pushed about buts its not bouncing back as well.
I can see that spring is almost here. Lots of buds are now beginning to open, or get bigger particularly on the pear trees, its not universal, it just seems that the pear trees its more visible. The picture shown above shows a single bud about to open and a trace of yellow is visible.

I still haven't been in to see the bee's but will as soon as I get a warm weekend, I'll be in the hive. The start of blossom will be good as it means the bees will get some protein from the pollen.

The grass as well has started to grow and in a couple of weeks I will have to start trimming it down.

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