Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Third Hive trees are fine

Last Thursday I got a call from Bernard telling me about a swarm in four oaks Sutton Coldfield that I could collect. That was it, I was off collected the swarm and took it home. I still had one spare hive and I put the swarm in, minus a crown board and the following morning I realised that I needed the crown board as the swarm had started to build new comb on the roof of the hive. I had to make some adjustment and a little later I had all the bees in the brood box and a single sting to show for it.In fact that night I built 5 more frames so now the new hive is up and running. I order 2 new rapid feeders and put one on the new hive. It can store 6 liters of syrup, which is going to be great for the coming autumn and hives at the orchard.

Then over the weekend we got the grass cut at the orchard. It looks great, I have seen less and less aphids though I have found some on the cherry trees. The trees are really growing and I recently looked at some old pictures of the trees when we planted the trees and the difference is stark. Im glad I do have pictures and records, as watching the trees grow is slow and hardly noticeable. Some of the mushroom compost is rotting down famously into a type of ash.

In the hive at the orchard I have found some eggs not many but they are there. I can also see less chalk brood, perhaps the ventilation is improving things. Bernard still recommending replacing the frames with newer frames and foundation. I have already moved the oldest darkest foundation to the ends of the hive ready to be replaced.They seem to be making honey and its not as hard as I was expected,

My cousin Jayesh his Wife Sunita came and visited, with the kids. They just missed out on a picnic which we the family were having when we got the call to say they were coming. We have also been looking at various chickens, for the house.

I am a little worried about the plum trees the branches are getting heavier and I am going to have to provide additional support and the past two days have been very wet, I have not been able to check on the trees.

The plan is I will get some additional support and the work will be carried out over the weekend.

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