Monday, October 5, 2009

Found a Lawnmower

I have been talking with lots of suppliers that sell lawnmowers. I think I have found a suitable lawnmower. A hustler Hydro Trimstar. It was recommended and suggests by the Deere sales man.
It is expensive and may me that the landrover is going to have to be on hold for a while. It is push mower not a ride on. I am still looking at alternatives.

We are going to have a demonstration in a couple of weeks, when I get back from Belgium.

I have also started the second dose of Apiguard.

1 comment:

Casper Farrell said...

Hey Jitesh,

Hope you're well and having fun with the mower.
Thought I'd let you know my blog site which has a wide range of country-based events and general things I get up to.
I'm a bit behind with some of it so there will be some new photos of my small orchard to put up over the next few weeks.

Take it easy mate,
