Monday, March 28, 2011

Blossom is spreading

I visited the Orchard on Saturday, all was well, the Almond trees have lots more blossom. I wanted to check on the bees but it was too cold. The temperature was 8.5c, and very windy, it felt cold with the dull clouds. The blossom did make it worth it. We didn't have any rain though.

The apple blossom on some trees looks set to burst open. That will be great, its something I am looking forward too. I love the smell. I have checked the bees in the garden etc and they are very active, just walking past the hives; I can smell wax being made. I have taken all the excess food off the hives and they all have an empty super so that they can start making honey, and expand the colonies.

I need to take a ladder to the orchard, to make some adjustment to the very tall trees. I need to ensure that they are straight, I also need to use some strings and hooks to alter the stance of the branches. Its not lots to do, but it needs got to be done.

I have had some minor damage to the bark of a couple of trees, all seems fine, will have to wait and see.

I bought a new book on honey recent, I like it, just need more time to read it.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Blossom is finally here

This weekend I sow the first blossom of the season on the orchard. It was on the Almond trees and its a nice pink.

I also sorted out the Bee's finally. Which is good news, as I can see that the queen has started to lay eggs. I also have found loads of food in the brood area. I was worried, about the cold and the bees not having enough food, but its all good.

The farmer next to me asked if it were OK to put horses into the orchard. I had to say no. Last time I let the horses in they damaged the trees, and set me back perhaps a year on some trees. I won't be making that mistake again.

The family also has the first picnic of the year. It was great, a nice sunny afternoon. Fresh sandwiches, and fruit. The kids had fun, then they gave the horses, bits of apple. All good.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Dull weekend again

Its been another dull weekend. It was nice, quiet etc.

I did a little bit of pruning, and clearing up. The temperature was under 10c so I could have gone into the bee hive, but it just felt to cold, so didn't.

My son was a bit disappointed, we had taken some apples to feed the horses in the next field, however they didn't come over. They were to busy chewing the crud.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I have a visitor at the Orchard

This dog belongs to the farmer next door. He wondered over and watched me from a distance and then got closer and closer. He is either wondering what I'm up to or hoping that I have a snack for him. The dog is friendly enough and its nice having the company.

Anyway another wet weekend so I didn't get a chance to go into the beehive and it was cold. However as the picture shows the ladybirds are enjoying the rain. These two I think were drinking water together from some water that a trickled down the trunk. Lost of water on the ground, sow much that in some areas, it's water logged. The Quinces that were planted late last year will benefit from this extra water at this time of the year.
Also some of the new leaves and buds are starting to open, hopefully in a couple of week the blossom will be in full effect.